“Nato come idea poco prima della pandemia, l’obiettivo di re.corder è semplificare l’insegnamento dello strumento a bambini e adulti, unendo l’apprendimento classico alle potenzialità offerte dalla tecnologia”
Guitars, recorders and ukuleles, digital (with an inch of AI) changes the world of music making
by Antonino Caffo
Technological innovation in music is not only wreaking havoc on the industry, which has been revolutionized by artificial intelligence. The digital music strand sees many facets, not the least of which is the instruments taking on “liquid” contours from the physical. A consequence of an audience that is increasingly immersed in Spotify and streaming, despite the resurgence of the vinyl format, which has been surpassing CDs as annual sales for a few years now. Here then are instruments such as guitars and flutes being revolutionized in their forms and intended uses, also in order not to succumb under the weight of production made only of bits.
(…) And practice is one of the purposes of re.corder, a flute made by Marche-based startup Artinoise. It has many educational features and options designed for disability, such as the creation of custom fingerings and the ability to play without having to blow. Born as an idea just before the pandemic, the goal is to simplify the teaching of the instrument to children and adults, combining classical learning with the potential offered by technology. For this, re.corder can be used in three ways: as a traditional ‘open-sounding’ recorder; through a pair of hooked earphones; as a Midi controller, to digitally save compositions, which can also be used on Garageband, if attached to an iPhone or iPad, or via proprietary software. In this way you can change the sound of the flute to that of other instruments, to create your own melodies. Re.corder integrates a series of digital touch-sensitive sensors that detect the position of the player’s fingers while a pressure sensor analyzes the strength of the breath that generates the sound.